In this section, you will find all our news, including the latest important information that defines the identity and reputation of the La Sommelière brand. We will also keep you informed about our press releases and our presence at professional trade shows (such as the IFA in Germany, in which we participate every year). Additionally, these pages will serve as an opportunity for us to alert you to commercial and promotional offers, such as cashback offers organized in partnership with our network of French distributors. In short, all the latest news about La Sommelière, in France and internationally.
7 articles in the category: News and Innovations
Continued international expansion of La Sommelière
Published : 11/07/2024 | Categories : Default , Food and Wine Pairings , News and Innovations , OenologyContinuing the International Development of La Sommelière: A New Milestone in Our Expansion!
Léa Perret, ambassador for the APOGÉE range
Published : 10/24/2024 | Categories : News and InnovationsÀ at just 26, Léa Perret is the rising star of Lyon and French gastronomy. She discovered the finest bottles in her grandparents' cellar and with her sommelier aunt in Lyon, and has turned it i [...]
Which wines to drink on Valentine's Day?
Published : 09/30/2024 | Categories : News and InnovationsRoman origins and courtly love According to some sources, Saint Valentine's Day was instituted by the Church to counter the pagan fertility festival Lupercalia. This festival was dedicated to [...]
Festive food & wine pairings
Published : 09/30/2024 | Categories : News and InnovationsBy Léa Perret, Best Young Caviste of France 2022 The countdown is on, and the festive season is fast approaching...! Reunions with loved ones, endless chatter and laughter, and comforting [...]
Connected wine cellars: how do you find your way around?
Published : 09/30/2024 | Categories : News and InnovationsWhat is the purpose of a connected wine cellar ? The question on every wine lover's mind is whether there's any real point in buying a connected cellar, the answer is YES. Keeping a precise [...]
Vinotag, your wine cellar management application!
Published : 09/30/2024 | Categories : News and InnovationsTo begin with, let us introduce you to Vinotag The Vinotag application lets you keep an inventory of your wines and find your bottles in just a few clicks. To do this, you first need a [...]
The first connected wine cellar
Published : 09/30/2024 | Categories : News and InnovationsIn 2018, considering the needs of our users, we launched a crazy idea: a wine cellar that would know in real time how to manage my bottle inventory and could tell me which bottles I should drink [...]